Parker Brothers Inc.
Black and white ship logo
6 2 6 4 2
Parker Brothers
Salem, Mass., New York, London
label under box lid
"Directions for Playing THROUGH A KEYHOLE"
9⅛ inches wide — 13 inches high — 1⅛ inches deep
23.2 cm wide — 33 cm high — 2.9 cm deep
Box background: dark blue. Label: yellow/red dental border, yellow background. "Through a" in red, "KEY HOLE" in light blue, both with black outline. Target from inside set depicts (box bottom with target, keyhole vertical piece on green keyhole launching area. Hand at lower right. "A Game" in orange on rounded rectangular & serrated region at center.
dark blue
blue, empty
Red painted wooden upright piece (8 1/2" wide x 9" tall) with keyhole ~3 3/8" wide x 7 3/8" tall), fits onto green wooden base (same shape & size as keyhole) with circle of felt (2 1/2" diameter) attached. Attached to box bottom: circular numbered cardboard target (2, 4, 6, 8, 10).
Bone. Large (15/16"): 1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 white. Small (5/8"): 4 blue, 4 red, 4 yellow, 4 white
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