[title A FUNNY
THE PLAYERS must start at the
top of the slide, and descend
to the bottom; the one who first
arrives there wins the game.
The players must spin the Indi-
cator in turn, and move their count-
ers as many spaces as they score.
If two players stop on the same
space, it is a "Collision;" they must
begin again at the top.
If a player is five or more spaces
ahead of the next, he can not spin
that turn.
printed on cover
THE PLAYERS must start at the top of the slide, and descend to the bottom; the one who first arrives there wins the game.
The players must spin the Indicator in turn, and move their counters as many spaces as they score.If two players stop on the same space, it is a "Collision;" they must begin again at the top.
If a player is five or more spaces ahead of the next, he can not spin that turn.
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