Directions for Playing
From two to six persons may play. It will be noticed that the pack of cards consists of four series, known as Suns, Stars, Moons and Comets, and that each of these series has eleven cards with numbers in the corners besides the "lending card," which has no number. The game is played by laying down first the leading card, and then playing on this the corresponding cards of same series, beginning with 1 and working up to 11, no card being played until the number next preceding it is on the table. The person who first runs out of cards wins the game.
First shuffle the cards thoroughly and deal them around, six cards to each player. The remaining cards lay face downward as the "widow." The person to the left of dealer has first play, and must lay down a leading card. If he has none he draws from the "widow," and then if still unable to play, it is next player's turn. Supposing, however, that he started with one of the leading cards, second player follows either by laying card No. 1 of same series on the card just played, or may start another series by laying down a leading card, and so the play proceeds around the table. Any player unable to play down the cards in his hand must draw one card from the "widow."
The skill of this game consists in disposing of your cards quickly, but at the same time block you opponents by holding back the leading cards.
The game may be made more exciting by choosing partners, when the person who is first out of cards wins for his side.
Deck consists of 48 cards, 12 cards each of suns, stars, moons, and comets, with the cards being a "leading" card with no number and the picture of the series, and then cards numbered from 1 to 11 with the picture of the series on the card.
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