Bill Alexander
A MERRY GAME for 3, 4, or 5 Players
Directions for Playing
This game is more interesting played by three, four, or five players. Turn all the letters face down on the board. Each player draws six and places them face up in front of him. The object of the game is to guild the sentence, Lion Coffee makes the most refreshing beverage. He must try to do this, using his six letters as a foundation, at the same time preventing his neighbor from doing it. The letters are to be continuous as, "Lioncoffeemakes," etc., etc. After the first six letters are turned up each player chooses some part of this sentence from which to build and he may build toward either end. After making this choice he cannot change it, although the change might be advantageous to him.
Suppose the first player draws the letters e, e, k, h, and m. He could combine the k and e for makes; e, m, for th(em)ost, h, e, for the, etc. The rest of the players do the same.
Number one, we will suppose, starts with he of the; he can call for m for most, or t for the from any one who has it, but he must state who shall give it to him. If he does not get it he draws for either t or m from the pile in the center. If he draws the letter he calls for, he continues to play until he fails to get the letter sought. No one can call for a letter which is guarded by a letter on either side of it. For example: The first player began with he; suppose he called for the m and got it. His e is then guarded and no one can get it unless they first call for the h or m, and no one must call for a letter which he cannot use at once on one of the other end of his line. As the game progresses, each player will see not only many ways to build his own sentence quickly, but also how to keep the others from building theirs.
A player may guard as many letters as he can, even though they are not in his sentence yet. Example: Player No. 1 has this much of the sentence built - themostref. His f and t are unguarded. He may have in front of him the letters I, k, s, e, o, f, c, and others. He can guard the o by building cof and so keep his neighbor from getting it, but he may use it whenever he wishes.
The one who first gets his sentence built wins the game.
10 cards each containing 20 playing pieces to be cut from the card. The uncut cards have identifying numbers of W-8 and W-9, and there are 5 cards of each type. This creates a total of 200 playing pieces once cut up. Each playing piece is a letter of the alphabet.
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