Game Information
Woolson Spice Co. (publisher) AGPI # · P-1711Full Publisher Info
The  Fairies' Palace (game) AGPI # · G-22812
Title Source · 
Bill Alexander · game board
Title Language · 
Date · 
© 1894 
Date Source

Bill Alexander


Game Type · 
Number of Players · 
2, 3, or 4
Date on Rules · 
© 1894 
Rules · 
Rules Transcript

The Fairies’ Palace.

Copyrighted 1894, Woolson Spice Co.

Four little fairies once became lost in a dense, dark forest, many miles from the fine palace where they lived. Cold, tired and hungry they despaired of ever seeing home again, but were assured by a beautiful oriole in a tree near by that if they would take a certain path, and hurry along very rapidly, they would finally reach home in safety. The oriole cautioned them to go one at a time, since many dangers beset their pathway, and it was necessary to proceed singly, so as not to be observed by the tall giant, the hobgoblin, roaring lion and other cruel foes. So the fairies started one by one toward home. Play the game and you will see how each reached the palace in safety.

Directions for Playing.

With a sharp knife or shears cut out the tee-to-tum (piece with numbers on it), and the disks “A,” “B,” “C” and “D” which represent the fairies. Make a spinning-top of the tee-to-tum by inserting a small piece of wood (whittled to proper shape) through the center. Now place the fairies in the space marked “forest,” each player then spinning the tee-to-tum in turn. No player can move his fairy until the tee-to-tum stops at 5, when he can spin again and move the number of points (small barbs on the red line) the tee-to-tum indicates. When a fairy lands upon same point another fairy is on, he sends first fairy back to the forest again. If he lands on any point located in a triangle, he must follow directions for that triangle, either stopping while the others move a certain number of times, or going back to forest, and at the giant point double all succeeding moves until home. Player first getting his fairy to the palace wins the game. The game may be played by either two, three or four persons.

Premium · 
issued by Lion Coffee
Database Update Date · 
2019-09-30 20:37:30

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