Bill Alexander
LION COFFEE [on front of train]
sheet the size of a card
Directions for Playing
Game of Inventions
For 3 or more persons seated around a table
The dealer in the first game is chosen by lot, and thereafter the deal goes in turn to the left. Shuffle the cards and deal one at a time, beginning at the left, until each player has eight cards. The remainder are placed in a pile, face down, on the table.
The object of this game is to collect the cards into "books." Three cards with the same name at the top make a "book."
The player at left of the dealer begins the game by making as many "books" as he can from his hand. For instance, if he has three cards with the word PRINTING at the top, he lays these aside as one book. Then he calls on another player for any card he desires, merely mentioning the name at the top of the card. If the player called on has any card with that name at the top he must give it up.
First player then continues to call for and receive the cards until he calls for a card from a person who has not that card; he then draws one from the pile and the next player begins. The players follow in turn. When all books are completed, the person having secured the greatest number of books wins.
If played by two persons only six cards should be dealt to each, the remainder of cards being placed face downward on the table. The game is then played just the same as described above.
Little children who can't read the names, may play this game by using the figure [clarification number] printed in the corner of each card.
Grown people who desire to learn something about inventions, may do so by reading aloud the reading matter on each card. This should be done at time of laying each book aside.
9 cards each containing 8 playing pieces to be cut from the card numbered I-19 to I-27. This creates a total of 72 playing pieces once cut up. Each one of the playing pieces contain a number (1 to 14), category of inventions, and a specific inventor, year of inventor birth-death, and invention (e.g. PRINTING, Johannes Gutenberg, 1400-1468, Movable Type). The number and the category correspond one-to-one. Some categories have only one book and others have up to four books. There are a total of 24 books.
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