Game Information
Woolson Spice Co. (publisher) AGPI # · P-1711Full Publisher Info
Game of  Knowledge (game) AGPI # · G-22819
Title Source · 
Bill Alexander
Title Language · 
Date · 
© 1900 
Date Source

Bill Alexander

Game Type · 
Rules · 
Rules Transcript

Directions for Playing


Choose a leader who shall sit apart from others and hold all the cards. Without permitting the others to see the title of the card, the leader then reads one of the descriptive paragraphs, and designates the player who is to guess the title. If the player designated cannot do so the reader in like manner reads second paragraph for second player to guess, and so on until some player names the topic and takes the card. Each of the other cards is then disposed of in same manner, when the player who holds the most cards wins the game. It is unfair for any player to speak until called on by the leader.

Premium · 
issued by Lion Coffee
Database Update Date · 
2019-09-30 20:37:33

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