Game Information
Woolson Spice Co. (publisher) AGPI # · P-1711Full Publisher Info
Game of  Nations (game) AGPI # · G-22824
Title Source · 
Bill Alexander
Title Language · 
Date · 
© 1903 
Date Source

Bill Alexander

Game Type · 
Number of Players · 
2; 3 or more (different rules)
Rules · 
Rules Transcript

Directions for Playing


Played Like Authors

For Three or More Players

Distribute the cards, one at a time, among the players. The object of the game is to collect these cards in books, each book containing a Country, its Ruler, its Form of Government and it Capitol. The title of each card is the name printed in capital letters at top of card. After the cards are distributed, each player having a complete book lays it aside and arranges the remaining cards in his had according to number in upper corner. Player at left of dealer now calls on any player for any card in a book of which he holds one card or more. If player called on holds that card, he surrenders it to first player, who then calls for another card (from same or any other player) and so on until he fails to get the card called for. The player who surrendered the last card then becomes caller, and proceeds as before. As soon as a player secures the four cards in a book, he announces it and lays them aside. When all books are completed, the player having most books wins the game.

If desired the count may be varied by adding the figures in upper corner of book (U.S. Book counting 1, Mexico Book 2, etc.), the person who has the largest sum being the winner.

Rules for two Players

When two persons play this game, they shall take 14 cards apiece, the remaining cards to lay on table face downward. Every time a player fails to get the card called from his opponent, he takes a card from the pile. Otherwise game is played the same as with three or more persons.


Deck consists of 44 cards, cards are numbered 1 to 11 with each number with a "A", "B", "C", and "D" card constituting a "book."

Premium · 
issued by Lion Coffee
Database Update Date · 
2019-09-30 20:37:45

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