Game Information
Woolson Spice Co. (publisher) AGPI # · P-1711Full Publisher Info
Our Country (game) AGPI # · G-22825
Title Source · 
Bill Alexander
Title Language · 
Date · 
© 1894 
Date Source

Bill Alexander

Game Type · 
Number of Players · 
Rules · 
Rules Transcript

Directions for Playing

Our Country

The object of this game is for the players to guess the title of each card, after hearing read the descriptive paragraphs printed below the title.

Choose a leader, who shall hold all the cards, sitting apart from the other players. The leader shall name one of the players, and then read the first paragraph on a card, giving the first player a chance to guess the title. If he guesses it, he takes the card and reads aloud its succeeding paragraphs. If not, leader reads second paragraph of same card to second player, then third paragraph to third player; and so on around the room until some one guesses the title and takes the card. When all cards are exhausted, the player holding most cards wins the game.

Guessing Match.

An exciting method in large company is for players to choose sides, the leader to read a paragraph alternately to a player on each side, and the side having most cards to win the game; players to stand on opposite sides of the room as in a "spelling match."

Premium · 
issued by Lion Coffee
Database Update Date · 
2019-09-30 20:37:46

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