sheet the size of a card
Directions for Playing
Our Union
Divide the cards among the players who may be any number. Leave them all face down. Player No. 1 takes up his top card and reads the first descriptive paragraph; if anyone guesses the name of the card, it is given to him; if not the second paragraph is read and the same rule applies. If after reading the six items no one has guessed the card it belongs to the original owner. The second player then reads his first card, and so on until all the cards have been read, when the one holding the greatest number of cards is declared winner.
Guessing Match
An exciting method in a large company is for players to choose sides and divide the cards between the leaders, who alternately read paragraphs to players on opposite sides, the side having the most cards winning the game; players to stand on opposite sides of the room as in a "Spelling Match."
An exciting method in a large company is for players to choose sides and divide the cards between the leaders, who alternately read paragraphs to players on opposite sides, the side having the most cards winning the game; players to stand on opposite sides of the room as in a "Spelling Match."
The deck consists of 49 cards (48 states - Oklahoma and Indian Territory are different cards).
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- Query start time · 2025-03-31 23:42:56
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- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25