Mfg. by Bonn Ville Company
The cover has a silver background with uneven paper folds on it.
"GAMBOOLEE" appears at top, with the font size increasing up to the second "O" and then decreasing. The letters "GAM" are in black, "B" half black and red, "OOL" red, and "EE" mostly black.
From the upper left corner to halfway down is a pole, with a banner (above "GAMBOOLEE") at the top.
"THE GAME THAT MAGNETS PLAY" is at upper center with the letters on a curve. The word "MAGNETS" is in red and there are 10 radiating lightning bolts around it.
At lower center is a red stone fence, moat, and entrance. Near the bottom is a red knight on a horse on a stand at lower left, and a black one to its right and slightly above. Between them are 12 radiating lightning bolts.
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- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25