The Copp Clark Co., LImited
The game title is shown on the cover as formed by ticker-tape; 5 industries are highlighted at top.
A ticker-tape machine is shown at the lower center in a clear dome. Ticker-tape is spewing out on the left and down to form the game title, "Stock Ticker", on a red rectangular background at the bottom.
On the ticker in the title are various words, including "GOLD", "BONDS", "SILVER", "OIL", 'INDUSTRIAL", 'GRAIN", "SILVER", "OIL", "STOCK", "GOLD".
Radiating in segments to the left, above, and to the right of the ticker-tape dome various industries are depicted. From left to right: farming, with a barn and tied-up hay; an industrial plant with smoke coming out of chimneys, plus a train in front of it; a bond; a man in blue for another industry; oil well towers with an oil truck, marked "QUALITY"; and molten steel poured from a pot.
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- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25