Italic "CreaTek" with extra curves on the "C" and "T"
[title ELECTION '68& trade;]
A Game of Political Strategy
[logo CreaTek]
P.O. BOX 25297

sheet (2 sides)
The background color is yellow. The title, "ELECTION '68™" appears at top with "ELECTION" in red and "'68™" in blue. Below the letters "ECTI" is "A Game of Political Strategy" in black script.
At left, a Richard Nixon caricature is holding a sign with the following message: "VIETNAM" over "GOV'T SPENDING" over "CREDIBILITY" over "GAP". A brown elephant is sitting to his right.
The U.S. Capitol building is shown at center, with a Lyndon Johnson caricature standing on its roof at right. A cartoon text box pointing to him states: "COME—" over "LET US REASON" over "TOGETHER".
At right, a Robert F. Kennedy caricature is holding a sign that states: "CIVIL RIGHTS" over "WAR ON POVERTY" over "THE DRAFT". His right hand is touching a donkey that is sitting to his left.
At lower right, the following appears: "COPYRIGHT © 1967 BY" above "CreaTek" (in a fancy italic font) above "P.O. BOX 25297" above "LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA" above "MADE IN U.S.A.".
The long aprons have a red background with "ELECTION '68™" in white.
The short aprons have a blue background with "ELECTION '68™" in white.
The bifold game board (with the crease off-center) has a black back and a label for the game board side. The overall background is light blue.
A black filigree appears at upper left. The game title appears at top to the right, "ELECTION" (in purple, sans serif font) and "'68" (blue, sans serif font). Another black filigree appears to the right.
A depiction of Lyndon Johnson in cowboy gear and hat (blue shirt with black stripes, yellow pants, yellow hat) is sitting on a red saddle over the fuselage of a four-engine airplane. The front of the airplane has an eye, nose, jaw, and teeth in an open mouth at right. This figure appears below and overlapping the "IO" in "ELECTION". Two white clouds are shown to the right.
The majority of the game board contains a map of the contiguous United States in purple with black state boundaries.
Race pathways start with a magenta "START" rectangle at center over Colorado and Nebraska and Kansas. The pathways consist of green cells with names of "issue" states and an associated number (e.g., "KANSAS" and "7"; yellow cells with no markings, and orange cells with the names of "contest" states (e.g., "FLORIDA" and "14"). The pathways go through every f the 48 contiguous states.
Below California, a Ronald Reagan caricature appears on a train with a "VOTE!" sign in front and a United States flag near the front.
To the right is a building (may resemble The Alamo).
Below Mississippi is the caricature of George Romney holding a baby near a baby carriage.
At lower left is a purple rectangle marked "ISSUE CARDS" above it and "EVEN DOUBLES" with pairs of dice with 2 twos, 2 fours, and 2 sixes.
To the right is a green rectangle marked "CRISIS CARDS" above it and "ODD DOUBLES" with pairs of dice with 2 ones, 2 threes, and 2 fives.
THe Romney caricature appears to the right, and below it, "COPYRIGHT © 1967 BY" above "CreaTek" above "P.O. BOX 25297" above "LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA" above "MADE IN U.S.A."
To the right in the lower right corner is a purple rectangle marked "ISSUE BOX" above, "DEMOCRATS" down the left side, and "REPUBLICANS" down the right side.
The game includes 6 plastic mover tokens in the shape of pawns, in black, white, blue, yellow, green, and red.
It also includes decks of Republican BIG GUN cards, Democratic BIG GUN cards, Crisis cards, and Issue cards.
40 green chips (square pieces of cardboard) are provided, for each "Issue" state.
33 orange chips (square pieces of cardboard) are provided, 3 for each "Contest" state.
2 dice are include.
An Issue table is included, that lists all 40 issue states, showing for each of the 20 issues whether the state is For ("F") or Against ("A") the issue.
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- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25