E.I.H. in white on black diamond
[title RING-A-PEG.
[logo E.I.H]
"Patent Applied for" appears on this game. A rules sheet is included in this game. The box top apron is half height, with pink-brown aprons.
Rules and Directions for Playing.
This game may bo played by two, three or four persons. The board should be placed upon a table or stand covered with a thick cloth. Where four play, each player is supplied with four rings of one color, and a square, the object being to snap the rings from the table on to the board and if possible over a peg. To do this he must place the edge, not corner, of a square on the top of a ring on the edge nearest him, press lightly, drawing the square towards him. When it slips off the ring, the latter will fly towards the board. Where two play, each one can take 8 rings and play with two colors. The players all play in succession towards the left, each having one snap at a time until all the rings are on the board. A ring over a peg in the outer circle counts five. A ring over a peg in the inner circle counts ten. A ring over the center or king peg counts twenty-five.THE PRIMARY GAME, FOR CHILDREN,
Is played as follows: The rings are all snapped upon the board, in the order as specified above, and the player whose rings count the most, is the winner. A tie is decided by the contestants alternately snapping one ring until one becomes the winner.THE ADVANCE GAME
Is more intricate, and is as follows: 1st.—The game is placed at two hundred. 2d.—When all the rings are played on the board, it called a “Board,” and the result counted and placed to the credit of the contestants. 3rd.—As many “Boards” are played as are necessary for one to secure the game. 4th.—When a player succeeds in playing two of his rings over the same peg in the outer circle be is entitled to take one of them and place it over a peg in the second circle, and in doing so makes what is denominated “A March.” If the doublet is made on the inner circle, he can “march” to the king peg. 5th.—When a ring is played or ‘'marched” over an opponent’s, the top one counts. If a third is added, making a triplet, the top and bottom ones count. If a fourth one is added (all being opponents,) making a quartet, the top and the two bottom ones count, the general rule being that a top ring destroys the value of the one immediat[e]ly underneath it, and revives the value of the ones that may be below that one. 6th.—In making a march from the outer circle a player has the choice of pegs on the inner circle, and may top any opponent that may be most to his advantage, or, if he himself already occupies a peg in that circle, can, at his option doublet that instead, and move on to the center peg which move is denom[in]ated a “grand march.” 7th.—A march cannot be made from two like rings over the same peg when they are separated by one or more opponent's rings. 8th.—Contestants must count their positions through each "Board," and especially towards the close of the game as the values are constantly changing, top ones going under and under ones coming to the top, so that he is ready to cry "Peg" so soon as his count reaches 200. If his right to the game is challenged, his count may be reviewed, and if found defective, he loses, and the next one out is the winner.4⅞ inches wide — 4⅞ inches high — 1½ inches deep
12.4 cm wide — 12.4 cm high — 3.8 cm deep
A black and gray label is attached to the box cover. It has an outer gray border, then a black line outline.
"RING-A-PEG" appears in black with a white/black outline across the top. "THE" over "NEW" over "GAME." (all in white) is below and to the left, each word on a black ribbon.
At lower left, a hand is shown holding a square squidger on a ring.
The cover also shows other rings and the round pegged target (as provided inside the box) at right center with rings on some of the pegs
The logo, "E.I.H" (white) inside a black horizontal diamond, appears at lower right.
"PAT. APPLIED FOR." is shown below at lower right.
pinkish brown
Pinkish brown with no design.
Shiny dark natural wooden circular base (4 5/8" diameter, 1/4" thick) with 12 round-ended pegs (1" tall, 1/8" thick) and 1 pointy center peg (1 1/4" tall, 1/8" thick).
One copy (copy 1) contains:
1 square bone squidger (1" square, about 1/16" thick): 1 dark blue, 1 black, 1 yellow.
Rings serving as winks (1" outer diameter, 5/8" inner, about 1/16" thick): 3 worn blue (including 1 with a yellow tinge), 3 black, 4 yellow, 4 red.
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