Whitman Publishing Co.
Whitman in white in black oval
on cardboard target in box bottom
15¾ inches wide — 8¼ inches high — 1¾ inches deep
40 cm wide — 21 cm high — 4.4 cm deep
"LUCKY SHOT" in black with horizontal white stripes. 4-leaf clover at top. Horseshoe at left. Boy with red/white/yellow shirt and blue pants kneeling at bottom, shooting a wink toward target (depicting target from box bottom). "with tiddly winks" in green above target
colored stripes, "LUCKY SHOT" in black.. 2 aprons have "5369:69; Made in U.S.A.; WHiTMAN PUBLISHING CO."
1 die (1/4"). Round wooden markers (5/8" diameter, 3/16" tall) of each color (blue, green, red, yellow)
Cardboad in box bottom: colored spaces progressing from START to HOME for each color (blue, green, red, yellow). 3 plastic cups (2" diameter, 1 1/4" tall) with lip & wide rill, each of a different mottled purple/red/white color. 2 cups at ends of progression are each marked 25. Other at center is marked 50.
Plastic with burrs. Large (7/8"): 1 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow. Small (5/8"): 4 blue, 4 green, 4 red, 4 yellow
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