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Whitman (Western Publishing)
The rules are provided only in English.
under box lid
"Walt Disney's MICKEY MOUSE FLIP A CHIP GAME (For 2 to 4 Players)"
8¼ inches wide — 15½ inches high — 1¼ inches deep
21 cm wide — 39.4 cm high — 3.2 cm deep
Red background. "Walt Disney's MICKEY MOUSE" in black at upper left. Upside-down cartoon boy (brown hair, red-brown clothes) at top. "FLIPa" in white, "CHIP" in light blue, at center. Mickey Mouse at bottom holding yellow shooter. 13 winks to right of Mickey, various colors. "MAKE A LUCKY SHOT AND WIN THE GAME" in black below those winks.
Red backgrounds, 2 sides: "MICKEY MOUSE" in black, "Walt Disney's" in black, "FLIP a" in white, "CHIP" in green, "GAME" in black, "2 to 4 Players * Ages 6 to 10" in black. Other 2 sides: "Walt Disney's MICKEY MOUSE" in black, "FLIP a" in white, "CHIP" in yellow", "GAME" in black, "Contents: 20 Winks 4 Playing Pieces 3 Target Cups Board Die". Blue Whitman W and "IT'S KID TESTED" on all four sides.
Player markers, made of plastic with burrs, 5/8" diameter, 3/16" tall with recessed top area: 1 light blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow. 1 red die with gold dots.
3 black plastic cylindrical cups, one at Mickey's nose, one each at his ears in holes in the box bottom target: each is 1 5/8" top diameter, 1 3/8" bottom diameter, 1 1/4" tall. Cardboard box bottom target has "WALT DISNEY's MICKEY MOUSE" in black, "FLIP" in red, "a" in black, "CHIP" in blue, and depicts Mickey Mouse at top with holes for cups at nose and ears. "(C) WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS" at upper left. Rest of target has lines with steps for progressing from START to HOME; each step is a circular area of blue, green, yellow, or red, plus white circles with special instructions such as "GO BACK 3 [or 2] SPACES" and "HOME". There are four such tracks from bottom to top, interleaving. In-between areas are marked "FREE TURN" with backgrounds of green, yellow, red, and blue.
Plastic with burrs. Large (7/8"): 1 light blue, 1 green, 1 yellow. Small (5/8"): 4 light blue, 2 red, 3 green, 3 yellow.
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