De Luxe Game Corp.
11½ inches wide — 9¼ inches high
29.2 cm wide — 23.5 cm high — 0 cm deep
Three winks at center with comet trails; title at top in yellow on blue background; brown across center; clear cup at center bottom with multicolored target around it, labeld ""IN CUP 50 WINK"
Tiddledy Winks in yellow letters with black outline on red background
"Inside the box is a cardboard game board. It is red. In the lower right hand corner is the number 30. There is a blue square, 7x7 inches. Inside the blue square is a yellow circle rimmed in red. There is a star like design inside the circle made up of red, light blue, dark blue and green colors. The numbers 5, 10 and 25 are on the star design and yellow circle. Inside the center of the star design is a red circle with a black ring around the edge. It says in red letters WINK INTHE UP 50 WINK IN THE CUP 50. Inside a cut out in the center of the board is a tin cup, red on top, white on the bottom" from eBay 20816351.
"three large disks - red, yellow and blue. There are 3 small blue
ones and 3 small yellow ones. They are made of plastic "
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