side of cylindrical container
Royal Toy Company, Inc.
Circle with "ALL THE FUN * FUN FOR ALL" around circumference, and ""ROYAL" vertically intersecting "TOY" horizontally at the letter "O".
[title THE GAME OF
Manufactured by ROYAL TOY COMPANY, INC., Worcester, Mass., U.S.A.
Patent Applied For
2⅞ inches wide — 4½ inches high — 2⅞ inches deep
7.3 cm wide — 11.4 cm high — 7.3 cm deep
Label on side of cylindrical container, with a blue background.
"THE GAME OF" (in white) above "ALLEY" above "OOP" (in yellow with black upper-left shadow).
Two scenes are shown on the side of the cylindrical container.
The first scene shows a finger on a hand (in yellow) at lower left pressing upon a pivot piece to propel a lollipop-shaped projectile into the cylindrical container, replicating the image of the container side. 4 instances of the projectile are shown heading into the container.
At bottom is "Manufactured by ROYAL TOY COMPANY, INC., Worcester, Mass., U.S.A."
The second scene shows a caveman figure (yellow skin, black clothing diagonally across chest) sitting on a rock in front of a tree with a stack of clubs next to him. One club has been propeled to the right, where another caveman figure (yellow skin, black shorts) is standing and holding a club beneath a tree. A Brontosaurus dinosaur is standing in the rear between them, with a "?" (in yellow) above its head.
Between the left caveman and the dinosaur is the company logo, a yellow circle with black rings alternating with yellow, and inside "ALL FOR FUN ☆ FUN FOR ALL" is shown around the circumference (in black on yellow) and "ROYAL" (in yellow) appears vertically, intersecting the horizontal "TOY" at the letter "O" (all in yellow on a black background).
At bottom, the following appears: "PATENT APPLIED FOR" and "© 1937 STEPHEN SLESINGER, INC., N.Y.".
red at top of side
4 painted wooden pivot pieces (1 7/8" long, 3/8" wide, and 1/2" thick at thickest), in red, yellow, blue, and green, that are used to catapult the club pieces. They are triangular in profile, and one end has a recessed round area where the club pieces sit.
Painted wooden club pieces (3 1/2" long, 1/8" thick), with an ovoid (13/16" long by 5/16" thick at ends and 1/2" thick at center) attached at one end. These come in red, yellow, blue, and green. One set has 4 yellows, 3 green, 3 blue, 4 red, and 1 black club pieces.
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