Milton Bradley
4285 (on rules only)
cover: 2 men and 3 ladies sitting at table, playing; publisher #: 4285 on rules; size: 2" tall
label inside box lid
5¼ inches wide — 6⅛ inches high — 2 inches deep
13.3 cm wide — 15.6 cm high — 5.1 cm deep
Label: Outer border is light blue. "GAME OF" in black on a small yellow banner at upper left, over the "Ti" in "Tiddledy". "Tiddledy" above "Winks", both in red with black outlines. Scene depicts a table (off the edge on the left) with a man and woman facing viewer at left, two women (one in light blue, the other in red) facing away and both in thin cane-like chairs, and one man at the end of the table. Foreground left depicts round table (or seat).
light blue with a periodic flower motif
Same as box background
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