Game Information
Chad Valley Games (publisher) AGPI # · P-3161Full Publisher Info
Tidleywinks (game) AGPI # · G-30523
Tucker Tiddlywinks # · 
Title Source · 
game cover
Title, Preserving Case · 
Title Language · 
Publisher Name on Game

The "Chad Valley" Games (on rules, nothing on cover)

Publisher Catalog #


Publisher Mark


Cover Text


Variant Description

5 1/2 x 4 3/16 x 1 15/16" box; red background on wraparound label; full-depth apron with notches on long aprons; the baseline of "TIDLEYWINKS" (white with black outline then red then yellow border) is concave down.

Made In Location Marked · 
Harborne, England
Game Type · 
Rules Format

printed under box lid in English and in French

Rules Overview

"Rules for Playing the Game of Tidleywinks."; "REGLE DU JEU. Jeu de TIDLEYWINKS."

Container Type · 
cardboard box
Container Size · (measured in inches)

5½ inches wide — 4 3/16 inches high — 1 15/16 inches deep

14 cm wide — 10.6 cm high — 4.9 cm deep

Cover Description

The outer top border of the wraparound label consists of red/black lines. Inside that, a black outline, then a yellow border, and then a black outline. Inside is the main cover art with a red background.

"TIDLEYWINKS" (in white with black border and yellow traces around) appears in the top half of the cover with a concave-down baseline. Below is a horizontal yellow stripe in the middle. At bottom, there is a white-ish blue pot with 5 white winks on the red background.

Underlabel Description


Inside Box Lid

printed ruls on tan

Apron Descriptions

The game has full-height aprons on all sides, and notches on the long aprons.

The 2 long aprons (top and bottom) have a red/black vertical line background inside of which is a black horizontal rectangle with a green outer border and then a black outer border. On the black rectangle are offwhite images of a cup, a hand shooting a wink, a cup, and an identical hand shooting a winks.

The 2 short aprons (left and right) also have a red/black vertical line background, inside of which is a black horizontal rectangle with a green outer border and then a black outer border. The left apron has a black rectangle within which is a yellow banner with "THE CHAD VALLEY GAMES" (and the banner has concave corners). The right apron is similar but with "MADE AT HARBORNE, ENGLAND" instead.

Box Bottom Description

red with a leatherette texture


Copy 1 includes:

A natural wooden cup (1 3/4" top and bottom diameter, comcave sides down to the protruding base, with a minimum diamter of 1 3/16" just above the base) has two black rings around the two tiers of the base, and is shiny except on the cup's bottom.

Squidgers (1" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 teal, 1 medium red, 1 very dull yellow, 1 dull yellow 1 yellow, 1 dark green.

Squidgers (7/8" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 teal, 1 slightly dull yellow.

Winks (11/16" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 4 yellow, 4 medium green.

Winks (5/8" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 light green, 1 medium red.

Wink (5/8" diameter, cheap plastic, with burr): 1 medium green.

Wink (11/16" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs) 1 very dark green.

Winks (21/32" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 4 teal, 3 red, 1 red with a lot of pit marks, 1 very dull yellow.

Winks (19/32" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 3 white, 3 dark red, 2 yellow, 1 dark green.

Tiddlywinks Felt · 
(no felt in copies examined)
In Collection · 
Database Update Date · 
2023-08-28 16:47:37

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