The "Chad Valley" Games (on rules, nothing on cover)
5 1/2 x 4 3/16 x 1 15/16" box; red background on wraparound label; full-depth apron with notches on long aprons; the baseline of "TIDLEYWINKS" (white with black outline then red then yellow border) is concave down.
printed under box lid in English and in French
"Rules for Playing the Game of Tidleywinks."; "REGLE DU JEU. Jeu de TIDLEYWINKS."
5½ inches wide — 4 3/16 inches high — 1 15/16 inches deep
14 cm wide — 10.6 cm high — 4.9 cm deep
The outer top border of the wraparound label consists of red/black lines. Inside that, a black outline, then a yellow border, and then a black outline. Inside is the main cover art with a red background.
"TIDLEYWINKS" (in white with black border and yellow traces around) appears in the top half of the cover with a concave-down baseline. Below is a horizontal yellow stripe in the middle. At bottom, there is a white-ish blue pot with 5 white winks on the red background.
printed ruls on tan
The game has full-height aprons on all sides, and notches on the long aprons.
The 2 long aprons (top and bottom) have a red/black vertical line background inside of which is a black horizontal rectangle with a green outer border and then a black outer border. On the black rectangle are offwhite images of a cup, a hand shooting a wink, a cup, and an identical hand shooting a winks.
The 2 short aprons (left and right) also have a red/black vertical line background, inside of which is a black horizontal rectangle with a green outer border and then a black outer border. The left apron has a black rectangle within which is a yellow banner with "THE CHAD VALLEY GAMES" (and the banner has concave corners). The right apron is similar but with "MADE AT HARBORNE, ENGLAND" instead.
red with a leatherette texture
Copy 1 includes:
A natural wooden cup (1 3/4" top and bottom diameter, comcave sides down to the protruding base, with a minimum diamter of 1 3/16" just above the base) has two black rings around the two tiers of the base, and is shiny except on the cup's bottom.
Squidgers (1" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 teal, 1 medium red, 1 very dull yellow, 1 dull yellow 1 yellow, 1 dark green.
Squidgers (7/8" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 teal, 1 slightly dull yellow.
Winks (11/16" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 4 yellow, 4 medium green.
Winks (5/8" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 light green, 1 medium red.
Wink (5/8" diameter, cheap plastic, with burr): 1 medium green.
Wink (11/16" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs) 1 very dark green.
Winks (21/32" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 4 teal, 3 red, 1 red with a lot of pit marks, 1 very dull yellow.
Winks (19/32" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 3 white, 3 dark red, 2 yellow, 1 dark green.
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