(no catalog number shown on game)
"A Berwick Game" in red & green on a yellow scroll
[title TARGET
[logo A
Left archer is shooting through winks each with a letter from "TARGET" at the archery target at right; light blue pot; outer target area worth 1 point
(no rules present in games examined)
5⅝ inches wide — 5⅝ inches high — 1⅝ inches deep
14.3 cm wide — 14.3 cm high — 4.1 cm deep
Wraparound label. Blue border. Left and right depict archers with bows, red outfits. Left archer is shooting along a path that has the letters of "TARGET" each on a colored wink, and at the right is an archery target. "TIDDLYWINKS" in pale yellow with merged outline at bottom. Large tree at upper left with several people dressed in green. Main background is a grassy area.
The logo appears below the "TA": "A" (in red) ove
2 sides: Scene with archers at target at right, multiple large winks in the middle, and other archers at left.
Other 2 sides: Archers at right shooting, winks in the middle, and target at the left.
Light blue cup (2" top diameter, 1 1/8" bottom diameter, 1 3/8" tall, with concave sides); appears to be compression-molded.
One copy (copy 1) of this game includes the following squidgers and winks:
Plastic squidgers (1" in diameter) with burrs: 1 green, 1 red, 1 light blue.
Plastic winks (5/8" in diameter) with burrs: 2 green, 3 red, 3 light blue, 2 yellow.
One copy (copy 2) of this game includes the following squidgers and winks:
Plastic squidgers (1" in diameter) with burrs: 1 green, 1 red, 1 light blue, 1 yellow.
Plastic winks (5/8" in diameter) with burrs: 4 green, 4 red, 3 light blue, 4 yellow.
Search elsewhere for "Target Tiddlywinks" by "Berwick's Toy Co. Limited"
- Total number of publishers found · 1
- Total number of games found · 1
- Query start time · 2025-03-31 23:44:29
- Execution time · 0.185 seconds
- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25