Transogram Co. Inc.
Great Fun for Everyone
MADE IN U.S.A. on red shield
(no rules present in games examined)
"TIDDLEDY WINKS" in white with dark blue outline, on wave from left to upper right. Cover background is dark blue. Blond girl with pigtails and red/white striped blouse and light green skirt at left, holding large yellow wink. Then brown-haired girl with red dress and white collar and sleeve-ends, holding a large yellow with with a blond boy with red top, holding wink over a large clear serrated cup. Brown-haired boy with light green outfit at lower right.
"TIDDLEDY WINKS" in red with dark blue outline, over yellow background with various winks. '"GOLD MEDAL" REG. U.S. PAT. OFF.' at left. Same on all 4 aprons. One also has "No. 3144"
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- Total number of publishers found · 1
- Total number of games found · 1
- Query start time · 2025-03-31 23:43:51
- Execution time · 0.212 seconds
- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25