Game Information
Chad Valley Games (publisher) AGPI # · P-3161Full Publisher Info
Tidleywinks (game) AGPI # · G-30639
Tucker Tiddlywinks # · 
Title Source · 
game cover
Title, Preserving Case · 
Title Language · 
Publisher Name on Game

Chad Valley Games (on cover)

The "Chad Valley" Games (on rules)

Publisher Catalog #

(no catalog number shown on game)

Publisher Mark


Edition · 
De Luxe
Cover Text


[title Tidleywinks]


Variant Description

Top label has a dull red background, silver lettering, no illustration; black interior compartments. Cup has wide stripe at top (red) and bottom (dark blue). Top and apron overlabels are dull red.

Made In Location Marked · 
Harborne, England
Game Type · 
Rules Format

white label inside box lid

Rules Overview

"Rules for Playing the Game of Tidleywinks." and also "REGLE DU JEU. Jeu de TIDLEYWINKS."

Container Type · 
cardboard box
Container Size · (measured in inches)

6 1/16 inches wide — 5 1/16 inches high — 1⅞ inches deep

15.4 cm wide — 12.9 cm high — 4.8 cm deep

Cover Description

The top label has a medium dull red background.

At left just above center: "EDITION" above "DE LUXE" above "CHAD VALLEY" above "GAMES" (in silver).

Diagonally from lower left to upper right: "Tidleywinks" (in silver script).

At right just below center: "MADE AT" above "HARBORNE" above "ENGLAND".

Inside Box Lid

rules label on black background

Apron Descriptions

Dull red overlabels over the black underlabel at top and bottom, empty

Box Bottom Description

black overlabel over black underlabel

Tiddlywinks Type · 
Tiddlywinks Targets

The hand-turned shiny natural wooden cup (1 15/16" top diameter, slightly concave angled sides to a minimum diameter of 1 1/2" at 5/16" from the base, and 1 15/16" bottom diameter) has a 3/8" wide red stripe outside the top rim, a 3/8" wide dark blue stripe above the protrubing base, and two approximately 1/16" nonrecessed black stripes on the protruding base. The bottom of the cup is unfinished.


Copy 1 includes the following quality plastic squidgers and winks with no burrs, which appears to be complete:

Squidgers (1 3/16" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 teal, 1 dark blue, 1 dark green, 1 white.

Squidgers (1" diameter, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 pale teal, 1 dull yellow, 1 dark green.

Winks (not counted) mostly quality plastic with no burrs, though some reds, dark blues, and dark greens are bone.

Tiddlywinks Felt · 
(no felt in copies examined)
In Collection · 
Database Update Date · 
2023-07-09 20:31:30

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