Alexander-Ouseley Limited
Edgar Norfield (artist)
page 8 (not numbered) in book
"THE BRITISH LEGION GAMES ANNUAL" at top in black on a white background with alternating black/white squares as border. At lower left is a brown/white rabbit with red top and yellow/green pants and checkered shoes, and holding a yellow ladder with a snake at top wearing a hat. At center is a boy with yellow cap, purple/red top, green pants, and riding a horse on a stick. Then a girl with brown hair, yellow/green outfit, holding a tennis racket. Then duck wearing a "LUDO" placard.
Stories and other games (Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Steeplechase)
On pages 100-101 (unnumbered) is a tennis-like court in green with a green net with white top held up by metal rods from bookbinding center. Court has sections numbered 5, 10, 15, 20. In white. Round green felt is on a white circle on either end of the court.
(none present)
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