The "Chad Valley" Games (on cover, rules)
(no catalog number shown on game)
|The" CHAD VALLEY" Games| above "REGD. TRADE MARK" on long oval with concave corners (on cover)
[title TIDLEY
[logo The "CHAD VALLEY" Games
The rectangular box has a predominantly black background. The cover shows the letters of "TIDLEY" over "WINKS" appearing on various colored circles, with a yellow pot in the middle. There is a notch at the bottom of each of the long aprons of the box top. No cup was present in Copy 1.
printed under box lid
"Instructions for playing the Game of TIDLEYWINKS."
6 9/16 inches wide — 5 3/16 inches high — 1 9/16 inches deep
16.7 cm wide — 13.2 cm high — 4 cm deep
The wraparound label has a red outer border. The main background is black.
At top is "TIDLEY" with each letter on a different colored wink (light blue, medium green, dark blue, red, medium green, yellow), on a concave-down curve. Below is a yellow cup with concave sides amd protruding base. A yellow line is shown across the center behind the yellow cup. Below is "WINKS" with each letter on a different colored wink (yellow, green, red, blue, and green), on a concave-up curve.
At lower left: the logo, "The" then |"CHAD VALLEY"| then "Games" over "REGD. TRADE MARK" (in black) within a white oval.
At lower right: "MADE AT HARBORNE, ENGLAND" (in black) within a white rectangle.
printed rules on offwhite
All aprons have a red background at top and bottom, with black horizontal rectangles between.
Left and right aprons: "TIDLEYWINKS" with letters in black on various colored winks, with no blank wink between the "Y" and "W".
Top and bottom aprons: 7 winks in various colors at various angles. These aprons have round notches at the bottom center.
red leatherette overlabel on box bottom
Copy 1 of this game does not include a cup.
A rectangular cardboard target (6 5/16" x 4 5/16") is present in the box bottom with hole (1 1/2" diameter) at center for cup. A white ring border is outward from the hole, then a red ring marked "10" (in black) at bottom, then a black outline and a yellow ring marked "5" (in black) at bottom, then a black outline. The remainder of the right side is marked "2" (white) at right on blue, and the remainder of the left side is marked "1" (black) at left on green.
Copy 1 includes:
Squidgers (1" diameter, partially shiny, quality plastic, no burrs): 2 dirty yellow, 1 red, 1 dark blue.
Winks (5/8" diameter, partially shiny, quality plastic, no burrs): 1 dirty yellow, 1 yellow, 1 dark green.
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