P. H. / P.
NO. 1
Black decorative border with multiple decorative devices in corners and sides; center image is in red of two men and a women playing at a table
Top label: brown with black repeating dental border. Each of the four corners has the same decorative illustration that points inward, each with an item in the corner, then an black curve, then four triangles with lines across them, then a broader black curve, then an item with 3 pointed items within a slightly grayer outline.
The left and right sides have decorative devices depicting various animals at top and bottom. Between them are identical depictions of leaves and sticks.
"THE NEW GAME" is shown in semi-shaded letters with a black shadow is near top, above "OF" (plain font). Below, in the middle of the cover (in red) is "TIDDLEDY WINKS" above an illustration of a man standing at left and facing right, a woman sitting and looking left, a man sitting and facing toward the front, and a woman at right facing left, shooting a wink.
Near the bottom is "NO. 1" (black) in the same semi-shaded letters with black shadow.
Additional decorative devices appear at top and bottom (in the same design).
offwhite tan
offwhite tan, empty
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