(none on cover)
sun pattern graphic on side
(no rules present in games examined)
4 inches wide — 3 inches high — 1⅞ inches deep
10.2 cm wide — 7.6 cm high — 4.8 cm deep
Label, monochrome. White outer border. Black line enclosing main illustration, with indented round corners.
Mustachioed man at left, then woman, boy facing away to left, then girl, all seated at a table playing. "TIDDLEDY WINKS." at bottom on white background inset.
The illustration background is "grayed" out: a chair at left, mantel with clock and vases at rear, and curtain and a chair to right.
sun and dot in repeating pattern on yellow background
One copy (copy 1) has an advertisement for Anabasis. Another copy (copy 2) is empty, gray.
sun and dot in repeating pattern on yellow background
gray plus the edges of a label with sun and dot designs in a repeating pattern on a yellow background.
One copy (copy 1) includes a die (1/4" on each side).
Another copy (copy 2) does not include a die.
One copy (copy 1) has a natural, unfinished wooden cup (1 5/8" top diameter, 1 3/8" bottom diameter, concave sides with a minimum 1 1/4" diameter) with two rings around the base.
Another copy (copy 2) has a glossy black painted wooden cup (2" top diameter, 1 3/4" bottom diameter with angled (not concave) sides, and two extruding side rings near top and another two near the base.
One copy (copy 1) includes the following:
1 bone squidger (1 1/8" diameter): green, white, and red.
Bone winks (5/8" diameter): 4 green, 4 white, 3 red including 1 with a flat edge, and 1 brown.
Another copy (copy 2) includes the following:
1 bone squidger (1 1/8" diameter): brown, green, white, and red.
Bone winks (5/8" diameter): 4 brown, 4 green, 8 white (some whiter than others), 5 red, and 2 dull yellow.
Winks (3/4" diameter) of unknown material (not bone, not clay, may be early plastic): 2 black, 1 dark brown, 1 dark green.
Presumed to be "#25 Popular edition, 25c".
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- Total number of publishers found · 1
- Total number of games found · 1
- Query start time · 2025-03-31 23:40:56
- Execution time · 0.214 seconds
- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25