(no publisher name shown on the game)
19/433/434 E (on rules) "19/433/2" (on bottom)
B on die
Made in Germany below
[title Tidley Winks]
[logo B
Made in Bavaria]
"Tidley Winks" across top in black script; "8" by 6" box
label inside box lid
"Tiddley-Winks. Rules." No. 19/433/434 E." Same logo as on cover.
8 inches wide — 6 inches high — 2 inches deep
20.3 cm wide — 15.2 cm high — 5.1 cm deep
Label with white outer border, then thick green line and light green background in outer rectangle.
At top, the title, "Tidley Winks", appears in black fancy script.
At center left and center right is a line of four colors of winks at an angle downward toward the center, between various horizontal and diagonal lines on each side, with four blue vertical lines on each side.
The center rectangle contains an illustration image (within a green border), showing a girl at upper right smiling with a finger to her mouth, wearing a light blue bow in her hair, and leaning her chin on a gray table.
A woman's hand with a blue sleeve and frilly white cuff appears at upper left. Her right hand is holding a red squidger on a green wink, aiming it toward a bowl-like cup at lower right that has a green wink inside it, with various winks around the cup.
The logo appears at center bottom in red on a green circle.
Red with no design.
The game includes a natural wooden turned cup (2 1/8" top diameter, 1 1/2" bottom diameter) with a slight concave area near the top. A black stripe appears below the concave top area. The cup has an extended base, about 1/4" tall, with a 7/8" diameter inset just above the base. The cup is shiny on the outside but not inside or on the bottom.
One copy (copy 1) of this game includes quality plastic squiders and winks without burrs:
1 squidger (1" diameter) in each of the following colors: black, dark blue, green, white, red, and yellowish-offwhite.
4 winks (5/8" diameter) in each of the following colors: black, dark blue, green, white, red, and yellowish-offwhite.
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- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25