Game Information
Harett-Gilmar, Inc. (publisher) AGPI # · P-742Full Publisher Info
Travel America Electric Educational Action Game (game) AGPI # · G-31002
Title Source · 
Title, Preserving Case · 
Title Language · 
Publisher Name on Game

Harett-Gilmar, Inc.

Publisher Catalog #


Publisher Mark


Cover Text

[title Travel

"Wiry Dan"
The Traveling Man



    -- 156 QUESTIONS



Rules Format

printed on game board

Rules Transcript

"Travel America"


To start, each traveler selects a token and places it at New York City, where the trip begins. High spin starts, followed by traveler on his left

First traveler has one chance to answer the upper left question on the first question card. The correct answer permits him to spin the compass needle to determine the number of spaces he may move. An incorrect answer means he missed the bus and must wait at the same place for his next turn.

The next traveler must answer the next consecutive question if the previous traveler answered correctly, or the last question if it was answered incorrectly.

If a traveler lands on a red space, he loses a turn. If he lands on a blue space, he goes again.

When all the questions on one card have been answered, turn the card over. Then proceed to the next card.

The object of the game is to tour the country and return to New York City.

Container Type · 
cardboard box
Container Size · (measured in inches)

10 inches wide — 8 inches high — 2 inches deep

25.4 cm wide — 20.3 cm high — 5.1 cm deep


The game includes a bifold cardboard game board with a dark blue background and a map of the continental United States. The directions for the game are printed in the lower left cover, in black text on a yellow rectangle.

A spinner is shown at lower right, with compass directions ("N" "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", and so on around to "NNW") on the outside in white on the blue background, the major compass directions ("N", "E", "S", and "W") in yellow script with red triangular pointers, and a circle with radial segments inside, alternatingly filled with red and yellow, and marked "1", "2", or "3". A metal pointer is attached at its center.

"© HARETT-GILMAR, INC." appears in white on the blue background at bottom, left of center.

"Printed in U.S.A." is shown in white on the blue background at bottom right.

The remainder of the game board depicts a map of the continental United States, with an orange overall outline and an orange outline around each state. Yellow is used as the background color for each state. A black route connects a variety of cities, from the east coast to west coast, in the south, and across the central and northern parts of the U.S. The route has no start nor finish. Each city (e.g., "Norfolk") is marked with a black star and a very short phrase, such as "Heart of the South" (for "Atlanta"). Some cities are marked with a red circle, such as "New Orleans" instead of a black star. Various small illustrations appear along the route, near cities, and outside the U.S. border, such as a mermaid below "New Orleans". The Wiry Dan character is shown above Michigan.

The box bottom build-up, with a blue background, has at bottom, from left to right-of-center, a 4 by 3 array of 3/8" round metal electric connection spots, each of which is inside a blue box with a white background and a text label. The text labels are, from top row to bottom and left to right: (top row) "Bed", "Clock", "Picture", and "Sink"; (middle row) "Television" over "Set", "Window", "Radio", and "Stove"; and (bottom row) "Lamp", "Bureau", "Bathtub", and "Sofa". Below this grid, "© HARETT-GILMAR, INCORPORATED" is shown, and then "FAR ROCKAWAY, NEW YORK".

Above the electrical connect spot array is a blue and white illustration of two floors of a house, with four rooms total, each depicting a scene (bedroom, bathroom, living room with television, and kitchen) containing objects used in the game. A 4 by 3 array of round metal electric connection spots are present within the rooms. At upper left, |"Know America"| (blue) appears over a U.S. map, and |"THE AMERICAN HOME"| to its right.

The right side of the box bottom build-up shows |"Wiry Dan"| (in yellow script) at top right, with "T.M." (in white) below and to the right, above "The" (white) above "Answer Man" (white). Below is a blue and white illustration of the Wiry Dan character, with long yellow and blue stockings. The illustration shows no arms, but instead, yellow-covered metal wires (8" long) with metal leads at the ends are connected through each of his shoulder sockets. Below Wiry Dan, the following text appears: "Place Dan's hand" over "on a question hole." over "If you put his" over "other hand on the" over "correct answer" over "hole he'll light up" over "and smile." A number of white or yellow stars appear at top and bottom and a few in between.

At the bottom of the box bottom build-up, "· LIFT PLATFORM TO REPLACE BATTERY OR BULB ·" is shown.

Underneath the box bottom build-up, the yellow wires connect to a small light bulb that is connected to a battery holder, which appears to be the size to hold a "D" sized battery. A circular hole in the cardboard reveals the paper on the top side where Wiry Dan's face appears and would be lit up by the light bulb.

Six two-sided question and answer overlays are included in the game. The titles (in red) at the top of these are: "AMERICAN INVENTORS" with "AMERICAN SPORTS" on the back; "STATES" AND "GEOGRAPHICAL HIGHLIGHTS"; "ARMED FORCES RECOGNITION" and "IMPORTANT AMERICANS"; 'BIG CITIES" and "AMERICAN HISTORICAL HEADLINES"; "AMERICAN ANIMALS, BIRDS & FISH" and "TRAVEL AMERICA"; and "AMERICAN COMPOSERS & WRITERS" and "AMERICAN STREET SCENE". On these overlays, the top half of each contains a 4 by 3 array of red-bordered squares with an illustration and electrical sensor hole in each square; the bottom half of each is marked "ANSWERS" with another 4 by 3 array of red-bordered squares with a text phrase and hole in each.

In Collection · 
Database Update Date · 
2018-09-05 20:09:20

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