Directions for Playing
Ten Little Soldiers
Cut the cardboard at the dotted line and with a sharp knife or pair of scissors cut out carefully the circular disks, each player taking ten and placing them on the blank spaces, but not on the colored spaces marked Safety. This game is similar to Checkers in respect to the moves made. That is, every move must be diagonal. At first it will seem impossible to make any moves, but the person playing first can move one of his disks or Soldiers into a Safety space, and thus furnish a vacant space for one of his opponent’s Soldiers.
Move diagonally. Jump your opponent whenever possible, thus removing a Soldier. If on a Safety spot, the Soldier cannot be taken. If the player discovers that he cannot move forward diagonally, he is in ambush and must go back until progression can be made according to rule.
The one having the greater number of Soldiers left wins the game.
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