(no publisher name shown on the game)
412 (on rules)
[title Knips und
label under box lid
Knips und Rechne!
Dieses Spiel wird ähnlich dem sogenannten Tiddledy-Winks oder Knips-Spiel, auch Floh-Spiel genannt, gespielt; es kommt aber hier noch mehr auf die Gewandtheit der Spieler an, um die kleinen Marken in die richtigen Felder zu bringen; unser Spiel dient aber auch dazu sich im Rechnen zu üben.
Es kann eine beliebige Anzahl Personen an dem Spiele teilnehmen; die kleinen Marken 1 bis 6 werden in einer bestimmten Entfernung vor dem Kasten aufgestellt, und werden mit der großen Marke in den Kasten geknipst.
Vor Beginn des Spieles kann vereinbart werden, ob die Zahlen multipliziert oder addiert werden; nämlich die Zahl auf der kleinen Marke mit der Zahl im Spielkasten, worauf die kleine Marke zu liegen kommt. Die sich ergebende Summe wird, wenn bei den kleinen Marken die Zahlen nach oben zu liegen kommen, immer addiert, dagegen werden die Augen auf den Marken, wenn sie nicht zu sehen sind, abgezogen. Kommt eine kleine Marke auf ein Feld ohne Zahl, so bedeutet dies Null.
So spielt einer nach dem anderen immer in der gleichen Reihenfolge; wer am Schluß die höchste Zahl erreicht hat, ist Gewinner des Spieles.
Snaps and Calculations! h2>
This game is played similar to the so-called Tiddledy Winks or Knips game, also called flea game; but it depends even more on the skill of the players to bring the small brands in the right fields; but our game also serves to practice in arithmetic. p>
Any number of people can participate in the game; the small marks 1 to 6 are placed at a certain distance in front of the box, and are snapped into the box with the big mark. p>
Before the start of the game, it can be agreed whether the numbers will be multiplied or added up; namely the number on the small mark with the number in the game box, whereupon the small mark comes to rest. The resulting sum is always added up when the small marks are up, but the eyes on the marks when they are not visible are subtracted. If a small marker appears on a field without a number, it means zero. P>
So one after the other always plays in the same order; who at the end has reached the highest number, is the winner of the game. p>
6½ inches wide — 6½ inches high —¾ inches deep
16.5 cm wide — 16.5 cm high — 1.9 cm deep
Label with white border then black line.
"Knips und" above "Rechne!" appears in yellow at top on black background. A boy (red vest, white long-sleeved shirt, blue pants, brown hair) is standing at a table at left looking down, holding a yellow squidger on a red wink, aimed at a target at right, which has a grid of 7 by 7 cells (green, yellow, red, blue, white), on a light green table. A girl (blue dress with faint pink flowers on it, with short white sleeves, brown hair) is at right, looking down with right hand up.
Red with no design.
gray with edges of white box bottom wraparound label
The game target is attached inside the box bottom. It consists of a 7 by 7 array of squares of various colors on a label attached inside the box bottom. Glued over the array is a natural wooden grid (6 1/4" long and wide, 1/4" tall) covering the borders of the squares other than the outside edges. Each square has a number in it, except for 8 yellow squares which are empty. The squares in the corners have a number on the diagonal, to be read from outside each corner; the rest are perpendicular to the nearest side, except for the center square, which has a "25" (black) on white. Outside that square are 8 blue squares, with "10"s (white) in each of the four corners, and "6"s (white) in the remaining squares. Outside those is an outline of 16 squares, alternating yellow with no number and "4" (white) on red. Outside those is the outer border with 24 green squares, with numbers in white: "5"s in each of the four corners, and "3" "1" "2" "1" and then "3" between the corners.
Squidgers are solid colors; the six winks have markings like dice, with from one to six dots.
One copy of this game includes the following plastic squidgers and winks, with no burrs, probably cut from rods and tumbled:
Squidger (7/8"): 1 dark blue.
Winks (5/8"): 1 red with 1 white dot on one side; 1 green with 2 white dots; 1 yellow with 3 black dots; 1 medium blue with 4 white dots; 1 black with 5 white dots; and 1 white with 6 black dots.
The squidgers and winks came in a small glassine envelope.
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