(no catalog number shown on game)
"GLEVUM", Roman profile and helmet, and "SERIES" in oval
[title BY AIR TO
label under box lid
"P" [inside dotted rectangle]
13 inches wide — 9 inches high — 1 inches deep
33 cm wide — 22.9 cm high — 2.5 cm deep
Label with white outer border, then red.
Background is mostly of sky, with two hills at bottom, each with a few trees.
At upper left: "BY AIR TO" above "AUSTRALIA" (red segmented letters with yellow outline).
Main illustration is of a biplane with propeller turning. Wings are dark brown with yellow edges on top. Pilot's is wearing helmet and goggles and is sitting behind a small windshield; however, the compartment has no cover. Body of airplane is medium brown, with a blue oval marking on side behind pilot, with white and red inside. Tail of airplane has three vertical stripes: blue at rear, then white, and then red.
The logo appears at bottom center, with "GLEVUM", a Roman profile and helmet, and "SERIES" in an oval, over "TRADE MARK".
"MADE IN" above "ENGLAND." is shown at lower right.
Red with no design.
gray, with white paper edges from wrap-around of rest of box bottom
Trifold cardboard gameboard (17" by 11 1/2") has red outer border then black line. "BY AIR TO" above "AUSTRALIA" (in quotes, red with black outline) in opposite curved lettering at top center. Board depicts a map, with England at upper left, Africa at lower left, Korea at upper right, and Australia at lower right.
Race game route starts at Croydon in England and proceeds through Lympne, Naples, Brindisi, Athens, Aleppo, Baghdad, Bazra, Jask, Karachi, Janse, Calcutta, Akyab, Rangoon, Singapore, Victoria Point, Batavia, Koepang, Port Darwin, Wyndham, and ends at Charleville in Australia.
Route is in red with light blue waypoints and black dot waypoints. Land background around route is yellow. Rest of land is green, and oceans and water are blue.
Glevum Series Roman helmet TRADE MARK logo is at bottom center, above "MADE IN ENGLAND".
2 light brown wooden die with red dots (3/8" sides).
1 red wooden die shaker (1 1/8" bottom diameter, 1" top diameter, 1 7/8" tall).
4 plastic airplanes (1 1/8" maximum in each dimension, 1/4" maximum height): 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 light blue, 1 green.
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