"salvo" in italics with top bar of "s" connected to top bar of "a", and bottom bar of "a" underlining the remaining letters and attached to the bottom of the "l".
· [title kirbumäng] ·
· [title kirbumäng] ·
[none present]
8¼ inches wide — 8¼ inches high — 1⅝ inches deep
21 cm wide — 21 cm high — 4.1 cm deep
Blue wraparound label.
"· [title kirbumäng] ·" appears at bottom and also upside-down at top.
Each corner has a large red disk awith a smaller blue inside it toward the center.
The center has two concentric white rings and then a white circle at center that takes up about 3/4 of the width/height of the box. Inside the white circle are 3 blue disks and 9 red ones.
Two opposite aprons have a blue background and the logo "salvo" in white at center. One of these aprons also has "mehis" in small white text inside a white rectangle at lower right.
The other two aprons have the same text in the Estonian language: "игра пoпрыгунчики", which translates to something like "bounce game".
Light green with ends of white wraparound label on box bottom.
The target appears on a box-bottom cardboard build-up along with a separate pale yellow plastic cup (2 3/8" top diameter, 2" bottom diameter, lip around top rim, 7/8" tall) with "100" marked inside its bottom. The cardboard-build-up has a red outer border, marked "10" in each of the four corners, then a yellow ring inside, marked "25" in each corner, then a blue ring inside, marked "50" in white", and then a hole inside it where the pale yellow cup is placed.
One set includes the following squidgers and winks:
1 plastic squidger (7/8" in diameter, about 1/16" thick, with slightly concave front and back) with no burrs: 1 red, 1 black, 1 white.
1 plastic squidger (3/4" in diameter, about 1/16" thick, with flat front and back) and one burr: 1 red.
Winks (5/8" in diameter, convex on front and back) with no burrs: 6 red, 6 black, 7 white, 6 yellow, 7 green, and 6 teal (one with a one burr).
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