F. Denye (on goal)
Star Yacht Works (on rules)
(no catalog number shown on game)
[[note later versions were produced by Berwick]]
[title SHOOT]
By the
Author of "IMPEDEE"
5¼ inches wide — 3⅞ inches high — 3 inches deep
13.3 cm wide — 9.8 cm high — 7.6 cm deep
107.0 grams
3.8 ounces
The top label has an orange border, then offwhite background at top, green mountains below, and green grass below that.
The title, "SHOOT" (orange with inset green lines or circles), appears at top.
At center, a footballer (orange/white vertical striped shirt, white short pants, green and orange socks) is about to kick a football (orange with green curves) as another footballer (same outfit) appears to the rear at left, and another footballer (white shirt and short pants, and green and orange socks) appears to the rear at right.
At lower left, "REGISTERED" appears above "By the" above |Author of "IMPEDEE"| (all in green).
At lower right, "A GAME OF SKILL." (white) appears on an orange rectangle.
dark blue
No publisher name is marked on the game; the game is possibly by Harlesden since they published several other varieties of the Shoot game.
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- Query start time · 2025-03-29 16:31:05
- Execution time · 0.197 seconds
- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25