Didier & Tebbett (publisher) AGPI # · P-3908
A Rational and Moral Game, or, a Method to Accustom Young People to Reflect on the Most Essential Truths of Morality and Reason on the Remarkable Events of History: by Questioning Them on What They Would Have Done, Had They Been in the Circumstances of the Person Mentioned; or, the Reason Why They Approve or Disapprove of a Maxim or Action Proposed by the Instructor (game) AGPI # · G-39532
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2021-12-07 16:18:25
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- Total number of publishers found · 1
- Total number of games found · 1
- Query start time · 2025-03-31 23:44:41
- Execution time · 0.191 seconds
- Game database updated · 2025-03-10 20:19:25