EIH in diamond
[logo E.I.H.]
The top label has an offwhite outer border, then a black outline, then a brown inner border, then a black outline. The background, from the top right downwards is a dirty pale blue; below: pale green; below: yellow; below: orange; below: evergreen trees; and below: a grassy lawn with rocks. At upper left, a tall evergreen tree appears.
"COLUMBIA" (red, black shadow down and to the right, with most letters having a double notch top and/or bottom) appears at top, on a slight curve downwards. Below the "BI", "A" (in black) appears above "Geographical" (black, with fancy curlicues on the letters G, e, g, a, p, h, c, and a) on a baseline that curves down and then up, which appears above "GAME" (golden with black shadows down and to the right, in a squarish, sharp-edged font).
The left and center of the cover is filled with an illustration of a woman sitting on a square pedestal at left. The woman, representing the figure "Columbia", is wearing a helmet (golden with pale blue quarter circle at left and right, with 4 white stars in the front), a cape (red), a flowing gown from neck to the ground (medium and pale blue, with golden fringe around the neck and shoulder). She is holding a green wreath in her right hand. She is wearing open sandals. The pedestal is mostly brown, with a gray/black curlicue design just below the brown top. The pedestal shows an eagle emblem facing the front, with "E PLURIBUS UNUM" (black) on a red banner from the eagle's beak.
The logo, "E. I. H." (back) on a pale pink background inside a lozenge-shaped border (black) appears at lower left by a sparse low shrub.
"COPYRIGHT BY E. I. HORSMAN 1885" (black) is shown at lower right.
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