Milton Bradley Co.
Springfield, Mass.
Made in U.S.A.
H. Boylston Dummer (artist)
printed under box lid
The cover has a white outer border. The illustation is set on a grassy green field with rolling mountains of blue and purple in the background. A large tree appears at left and a smaller one at right. Four white flowers appear on the grass.
The cover depicts 10 animals, all of whom are dressed in clothes, with most standing on two legs.
At center, a skunk holds a baseball bat and faces left, where a red fox is pitching a ball. To the skunk's right is a rabbit with a baseball glove, acting as a baseball catcher.
Watching are: a dog at lower left, a pig at left center, a cow behind the pitching red fox, a rooster at rear, left of center, a squirrel at rear center, a horse with spectacles to right of center, and an opposum at right center.
The title, "The" (in black) and "GAME OF FRIENDLY FUN" (red with black outline) is shown in a pale green rectangle with two black outlines, near the bottom and from left-of-center to center.
"©" above "MILTON BRADLEY CO." above "Springfield, Mass." above "Made in U. S. A." appear in black in the lower left corner.
The artist's name, "H. BOYLSTON DUMMER" is shown at lower right, with the catalog number, "4276", below it, both in black.
printed rules
The bifold game board has "START" (black) on a red rectangle at its center. To the left of the Start box is a blue box with two squirrels. To the right of the Start box is a blue box with two small creatures. A brown rodent is peeking from the right side of the Start box.
Pathways of connected yellow squares emanate upward and downward from the Start box. The second box up and down from the Start box is connected horizontally with 8 more yellow boxes each to the left and right. The next-to-last yellow boxes are vertically connected in a stretch of 7 boxes each. Four of the boxes are not square. Additional yellow boxes connect to each of the outer rectangles, each of which shows an animal and a point count.
The upper left box shows a rooster and the sun, with "2 POINTS".
The left-center box shows a bear sitting on a log, and "3 POINTS".
The lower left box shows a dog, walking on two legs, and "1 POINT".
The upper right box shows a squirrel sitting in a tree with a basket, and "1 POINT".
The right-center box shows an opposum with a fishing rod and a fish, and "3 POINTS".
The lower right box shows a crow standing on the hat and head of a scarecrow, and "2 POINTS".
The box at top, left of center, shows a rabbit running, and "5 POINTS".
The box at top, right of center, shows a horse with spectacles and hooves on a fence, and "2 POINTS".
The box at bottom, left of center, shows a pig eating soup with a mouse looking on, and "2 POINTS".
The box at bottom, right of center, shows a red fox resting against a tree, and "5 POINTS".
Also shown on the cover, between the boxes, are mice, a goose, another rooster, a pair of birds, and more.
All animals are wearing clothes.
The catalog number, "4276", appears at lower left on the board.
The game comes with 4 wooden movers, each shaped like a pawn, in shiny red, yellow, blue, and black.
A square spinner with a metal arrow accompanies the game. The outer part is yellow and the inner part a multicolored circle. The spinner is numbered from 1 to 6, consecutively clockwise, and each numbered sector shows an animal.
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